Gabriel "Nibilli" Boileau

FX Artist, Blizzard Entertainment (Proletariat Inc)

Gabriel Boileau (AKA Gabi / Nibilli) started their career as a software engineer before they found their passion in VFX. They were hired as a VFX / Tech Artist at Virtuos Games to work on Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition. They have gone on to work on a variety of projects like VALORANT for Riot Games and most recently World of Warcraft at Blizzard Entertainment.

Gabi is a staple in the VFX Apprentice community. Their welcoming kindness gives everyone the confidence to tackle any task. No matter if they show cool tricks in the hangouts or create full effects in just one follow-along session. Gabi is always around to help.

Outside of their job they like to get together with friends in Tabletop RPGs or explore the world outdoors. They are also a huge fan of traditional animation.  

Instructor Portfolio


Featured in these courses

Intro to Materials for Unreal Engine 5

3D VFX: Level One
Learn how to use and navigate a node-based Shader interface in Unreal Engine. This course covers key concepts and techniques used when creating UE materials for VFX.

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Particle Practice (Community Recordings)

3D VFX: Level One
A collection of some of the best weekly live sessions from the VFX Apprentice community Discord.

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